What is the biggest thing in the Universe?

What is the biggest thing in the universe?

After the discovery of a star 320 times bigger than the Sun, now the question is circulating in scientific circles as to what is the biggest object in this universe.

We hear the big and small debate almost every day in one form or another, which revolves around more or less everything from big and small people to countries and the planet. But what is the position of our earth in the universe? Maybe nothing.

What is the biggest thing in the Universe?

Recently, after the discovery of a star 320 times bigger than the Sun, now the question is circulating in scientific circles as to what is the biggest object in this universe.

The giant planet discovered before was 150 times larger than the Sun.

Experts say that as the mass of stars increases, the amount of energy inside the star increases due to gravity. Due to this, it is not possible for them to maintain their existence and they are broken and divided into parts. Galaxies and the solar system came into being through this process.

Regarding the newly discovered planet, experts say that due to its large size, it will not be possible for it to maintain its existence for a long time like the Sun.

It is said that the sun has been giving off light and heat for more than four and a half billion years and still not one percent of its total mass has been converted into energy.

Experts say that the main component of the universe is the star. A star acts as a center, like a sun, around which many planets revolve, while many planets have their own sub-moons that revolve around them.

A large number of stars come together to form a galaxy, and when several galaxies are connected in a single sequence, a cluster is formed. Many clusters of galaxies have been discovered in the universe, of which the largest cluster is called the Great Wall.

Astronomers say the Great Wall is 50 million light-years long and about 30 million light-years wide. Scientists use the light-year scale to measure distances in the universe. A light year refers to the distance light travels in one year. The speed of light is 186 thousand miles per second.

The 'Great Wall' cluster of galaxies was discovered in 1989. After 14 years of this discovery, an even larger cluster in the universe was discovered, which was named the 'Slon Great Wall'. Experts say this cluster is about a billion light-years away from our galaxy, and its length is estimated to be about 1.3 billion light-years.

Astronomers say that clusters of galaxies, though far apart, are bound together by force. Experts call this force the cosmic web.

The smallest unit of the universe is the atom. But the atom also has a center like the solar system called a nucleus, the nucleus contains protons and neutrons and electrons revolve around this center.

Like the Sun and its planets. The smallest and simplest atom is hydrogen, which has only one proton in its nucleus and only one electron orbiting around it. Experts say that the energy released by the hydrogen atom through a special process is the reason for the dissolution of galaxies and solar systems. As if the smallest unit of the universe gives birth to the largest units of the universe.

It has been shown by the data obtained after the installation of new powerful telescopes in space and advanced instruments in space research centers and clusters or superclusters of galaxies that have a minor position in the vastness of the universe and the vastness of this universe. There are even larger space bodies in the vastness.

Perhaps that is why sages say that with each new discovery, the realization deepens that our knowledge is very limited and our position may be nothing.

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